Monday, November 19, 2018

Fire and Ice

Hello hello hello everyone!

It's me Elder Tracy! So this was a super fun week! We decided to make some fun goals! We decided this week that we were literally going to talk with every single person we could about the gospel. We found a lot of success this way.

But funny story! On Tuesday morning, I was feeling still really sick and I was a little grouchy. And we live right next to the laundry room and there was this really loud annoying noise coming from it. I told Elder Fry likewise and he was like it's fine don't worry. And it kept bothering me! So I finally open the door and there was smoke billowing out of the laundry room! Elder Fry jumps up heroically and goes over to the washer because it was jumping and smoking and he opens it, and was surprised to find: couch coushins. One in each washer. So we stop the washers and are asking ourselves "what kind of idiot would put couch coushins in a washer?" So we walk over to the office and we tell them what's up, and the lady at the front desk turns around and yells "Mike, a washer is on fire" and this guy just comes like busting out the back room and is on his way. The fire department comes and everything. And after about 10 minutes the guy who'd put his coushins in the washer comes to get them calmly, gets chewed out and goes on with his life. Good day. We became heros in our own eyes.

But like I'd said, we decided to talk tk everyone we can. We literally will be walking and we see a guy all the way down the street, vamonos, we're gonna go talk to him. We actually met a nuch of cool people. We also met a lot of people who don't speak English, which is good because we speak Spanish. But it was the wrong language still. We weren't trained in Hindi. So maybe next time. We met this one really cool guy named Nahu at the library. He's like 26 or something is currently studying the Bible when he's not working! And that way cool because that's what we do too! We will be in contact with him soon!

But it's been chilly here! Like it doesn't get above like 35 usually. Cloudy. Windy. It's been awesome! We've been getting destroyed by the cold! And I, being the little Texan boy I am, am still not remotely excited for winter. It's been snowing of and on here and it's super fun I guess!

We had an activity this week! We were working with the Elders Quorom and the Family History department in the church! We had a blast! We made little stations to talk about our ancestors and activities about them it something! So Elder Fry and I decided to talk about GOLF because that was my grandpa's jam! We hit up dollar tree and goodwill and we made this awesome mini golf course in the gym for like $14 in total. We had a blast! We didn't have the turnout we had hoped, but those who showed up were the homies and it was a good time! Everyone really liked it! From math, to picaditas, to golf, to sewing everything was there!

I also made a goal to study the scriptures in almost every spare moment I have at the apartment. Wow it's made a difference in my life. I've been diving into the New Testament recently in English ans Spanish and it's been fantastic. My favorite thing I've read yet is in Revelation (Apocalipsis for you Spanish speakers out there) It's really fun to see how much the Book of Mormon and the Bible share in both doctrinal depth and personal value. God lives!

It was a good week my friends! Hope you have a great one too! Go make a difference in someone's life!

As always

Elder Tracy

The Fire Dept
The Snow ft Elder Tracy

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