Monday, November 26, 2018

Snow, Día de Turkey and Promotions

Hey Everyone!

This was an awesome week! We had a lot of fun! Especially because this was the last week of the transfer! And considering that we've been together for three transfers (4.5 months) we figured it was time for a change! But we didn't let that deter us from the work!

I was finally able to find the part o needed to fix my bike. It just took five different stores and several weeks. I finally just going to ACE Hardware and they hooked me up.

We had a lot of good things happen! We started this thing called "Inspired Tracting" where we pray and ask God where we need to go to find the people in need of the Gospel. We tried it twice this week and it was awesome! We found some really cool people. We found this one man named Adrian! We were knocking down in Rosemont and he was walking down the other side of the street and we decided to go talk to him. He was a little wary of us at first but it was super cold and he let us sit in his car and talk for a few minutes. He's been having a rough go of things here recently but we convinced him to listen to us and he did! He's way cool! We also are teaching that man we found in the Library last week! He is named Nahu! It's super cool too! We were knocking doors on Saturday Morning and we knocked this one door and a woman answers and we say that we are sharing a message about Jesus Christ and she let's us right in! We taught her the restoration right then and there and she had some really good questions for us but we answered them and she seemed excited to read from thr book of mormon!

We also had THANKSGIVING this week! It was super fun! We went and knocked in a apparently very white neighborhood haha but it was really fun! We also got to go to dinner with the Marquez Family (German and Lorena who are our recent converts) and with the Rodriguez Family! (Hermano is the 1st Councilor in the Bishopric) it was a super fun day filled with cold weather, a lot of food and a lot of laughter! I'm become somewhat of  a legend in the Rodriguez's eyes because they know me as the thumbs up Elder. When things get a little awkward or something I just throw up a thumbs up haha and Hermano loves it haha we literally just took a picture doing a thumbs up. It was awesome.

We went on exchanged this week too! The Zone Leaders exchanged with us and I got to go with my boy Elder English again! We were here in Arlington Heights again! And it was a shaft day haha. We had about 6 lessons planned and all of them canceled except one haha so we knocked so many doors and a lot of people were mean to us hahah and others lied to us! It was a way fun day though de todos modos. We brought Obispo with us and he brought Selvin for some of the citas and we just a blast driving around town with them.

It also snowed so hard last night. We got about 6 inches of snow overnight. It was wild. It started at about 5 o'clock last night and I was driving yesterday. After about 2 hours it was coming down. So I had Elder Fry drive because he is from Utah and he knows how to drive in the snow. But it's been coming down all morning. We went outside to go put money on the laundry card and there were trees that had fallen, snowplows on the roads and a bitter wind. Im literally shook. I have no idea what this is. Snow is wild.

We received transfer calls last night. We figured that this was the end. And it was. Elder Fry is going to Midway! That's where I started my mission on the south side! He's so lucky and really excited! But I'm staying here! I'm getting Elder Anderson! We've been friends here on the mission for a while and we are rooming together in college after the mission! And get this! We are going to be ZONE LEADERS! I'M GOIJG PLACES PEOPLE. I'M ON MY WAY UP. I'm so excited to see what happens! We are going to have a blast and we are going to get some good work done.

I just want to say, Thanks for you all reading this far! But also Tha KS for all your thoughts and prayers and notes this Thanksgiving season. I'm grateful for so many things. But to be brief, I'm thankful for my God, my Family and my Faith. My Friends, my parents and my sisters. Yall rock. Hope it was a great week for you too.

As always,

Elder Tracy

Last District Photo
Elder Fry and I
Elder English and Obispo
A Dove. A living Dove.
Snow has begun.
The homies. The Padillas.

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