Monday, November 5, 2018

Good times are upon us

Hey Everyone!

This week was a good week! We had a good time doing the lords work!

To start, it was Halloween this week! We had district council and it was awesome! Elder Fry is an awesome district leader! I'm so proud of him. But we stsrted knocking some doors at about 3:30 because we thought that everyone would trick or treat at like 6. WRONG. VERY WRONG. We were suprized when we pulled up that there were a bunch of kids out and about! Apparently here everyone trick or treats at like 3 o clock! It was wild. We weren't able tk do MUCB knocking but we called obispo to see if we could come and talk abiut the ward with him for a second and he offered to take us to Wendy's! It was a win win win!

We are starting to work with the members a lot right now. We called one family to see if we could come by and visit them and they said yes so we go over a few days later and we are talking with them and havijg a nice dinner when all the sudden, their neighbor knocks on the door and starts to eat with us and then she started asking a bunch of questions about the church and we ended up leaving her with a Book of Mormon and she was reading ti before we had even left the house! We also have a return appointment for Tuesday!

This Sunday we had a Regional conference in the church and we heard from a lot of people including Elder Holland, and Sister Bingham of the Relief Society President! It was a really good one we heard a lot of good things from them about ministering and how we can be better! We also learned about the Gathering of Israel. And what role we all play in that! It is really eye opening! We also had a family we've been teaching come to the conference! They made a lot of friends and they really liked it so hopefully they come again!

Also the members here think that Elder Fry and I are kinda the bees knees we had so many people come up to us at church and try to get us to eat with them and visit them and it was really awesome! We are going to start some good member missionary work here it seems to be working really well! Networking works!

This was a great week! Elder Fry is awesome and we are having a blast!

As always

Elder Tracy

This is all we got this week we forgot to take pictures

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