Monday, November 12, 2018

Murphy's Hope

Hello to those of you faithful people who are still reading this message!

Wow this was a week for the record books let me tell you. So many things went wrong haha but it was awesome.

But to start on a postive note! We had Zone Conference! It was awesome! President Bingham started out with something that I've been thinking a lot about recently: The Prophet Joseph Smith. Wow. Just wow. Let me tell you all. Wow. If you all haven't read the new book frok the church called "Saints" you're missing out. He went in on Joseph Smith and he addressed a lot of really fascinating stories about how Joseph Smith was really prepared to be a prophet and all the other things he was able to restore and bring back to light that had been lost over the years. It's amazing. From eternal families to priesthood power, and from exaltation to the origin of man, Joseph Smith brought it all back. We also talked about how the restoration of the chruch has really only just begun. President Nelson recently said "If you think the church is fully restored, you are just seeing the beginning. You’re just seeing the beginning. Just wait until next year, and then the next. Eat your vitamins, get your rest. It’s going to be exciting!” IM EXCITED

But then things kinda took a turn.

The past week of so I've been having this terrible cough and on Wednesday night it peaked and my voice was gone. Thursday, Friday, and most of Saturday were a wash for me. I couldn't talk, I couldn't participate in lessons with out it hurting. I was struggling. As most of you know, I love to talk. And I couldn't. It was really bringing me down. To make matters worse, one of our super solid people, Carina, dropped us. She knew the book of mormon was true. She'd prayed. She knew this was the truth. But she's gone. Another person we had on date dropped off the face of the earth and we had to take him off date because he wasn't progressing or talking to us. All our lessons on Friday and Saturday fell through and we were out side both days knocking doors. Those were also the coldest days of the week. I was not having a good time.

But I was feeling down on myself at one point but I remembered a poem that my sister, Allison, gave me at the start of my mission. It tells of a missionary complaining a lot and feeling down on himself because of all the difficulties he's having. But Jesus responds to him and says "No matter what we go through, when we feel we can't take more, Just stop and think of Jesus Christ, He's been there before." I was so down on my self that I couldn't see past it! After that, I decided to turn my trail of tears and sickness and pain and sadness into a trail of hope and peace and health and happiness! And it works!

I was able to look back and see how blessed I truly was this week. We had an awesome lesson with my favorite old man Pedro, we somehow got three people to chruch and we still found three new people and one has great potential! All in all it was a grest week! It even snowed for the first time this season!  There's always hope! (HOPE OF ISRAEL RISE IN MIGHT) I'm so glad I've decided to leave all of you behind for these two years. I've grown more and more into the man God wants me to be! Let me know is you have any questions!

As always (and faithful as heck)

Elder Tracy

Ps. Yall should read "Premortality, a Glorious Reality" October 1985 General Conference By Neil A Maxwell. 🔥

The Dominguez Family (the G. O. A. T.)
The snow of death

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