Monday, October 23, 2017

Good times, good times

Buenos días mis amigos y Familia de la Villita!

 So this week was pretty great! Elder Farrer and am have been working really hard to try and continue to find people to teach! And it's working pretty well! This past week, we had met a bunch of cool people knocking doors and as things happen, we had a couple of people invite us back later this week! It was awesome! Only two of the appointments actually followed through, but it was awesome none the less. We have been also trying to contact some less active families and we have gotten in with several of them and simply tried to become friends with them, express our love and gods love for them, and invite them to church again. Something I have found out about missionary work is that it's not a numbers game. Yes numbers are important at the end of the week, but what's more important is finding in yourself that Christ like love for people here. Whether it be after someone tells you off for "recruiting people to create an institution and not a church" or people literally getting up off the park bench and walking away disgusted when you try and greet them, (both of which have happened) we as missionaries and people in society must have love for one another. And as we do, we can see the importance of that great commandment given nearly two thousand years ago.

So here's a fun experience we had this week, on Tuesday, we were out knocking doors in the afternoon after people had gotten home from school and work. And we we were working our way down this street, there were some young kids probably about ages 6 - 10 on the other side of the street. And as we walked past them, they began yelling at us in english and cussing us out and kept being all big and bad as much as a 8 year old kid can. As we continue down the street, we realize they are following us on the other side of the street. Not a big deal they are like 8. But then, they start throwing rocks and glass bottles and other assorted projectiles at us as we are talking to this old guy in his doorway! And so we finish up there and we just turn around and face these kids and just stand there and watch. As we did they, they all kinda ran away except for one kid who was behind a tree on our side of the street. Eventually he peeked out, saw us and ran hahah. But just dumb kids trying to kill us. But thats just our area.

So but this week was filled with meetings. We had new missionary training again because Elder Farrer and I are both still greenies! And it was amazing! President Bingham is literally a wizard with the scriptures. He will start talking about something and then he will stop mid sentence and say turn to Ether or something crazy. He's amazing. I felt the Spirit testifying to me telling me what he was saying was true. We also had Stake Conference. Which was a blast and a half. The talks were so good anni learned so much. Oh and that family that elder Garcia and I found are getting baptised on the 4th of November and Elder Garcia volunteered me to play a duet with Lilia, the mother of the family on the mandolin. So I have some practicing to do. To say the least.

But things are awesome. I have had so many testimony building experiences this week. For one, for those of you who don't know, my grandparents are not doing super well right now. They are getting better little by little. But I do know that families can be together forever and that I will see them again, no matter what happens to them or me in these next two years. I have no fear. God is here and will provide a way for us. I know the church is true. I know we have a prophet, called of God, to lead and guide Gods children here on the earth. I know the book of Mormon is true, and I could never deny it. I love you all.

As always,

Elder Tracy

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