Monday, October 30, 2017

Flipping Frio

Buenos días mis amigos y Familia!

Como han estado? Well this week was pretty awesome. A lot of awesome things happened. We really haven't gotten to teach a whole bunch of people yet, but the people we have been teaching we have made some headway with them so we are on our way up haha so but another fun thing about Chicago I wasn't mentally prepared for was cold. It's so cold here already and it's only October! This week was in the 30s and 40s and I wasn't flipping ready. The cold, wet, gale force winds off the lake literally pierce my soul and take my breath away. It's wild here. The coldest days in Texas can't even hold a candle to the extremity and depravity of degrees Fahrenheit we will face in the coming weeks.  I have a jacket and stuff so I'm prepared on that front, but it's so cold and we have another like 70 degrees to drop and I'm not ready to meet my maker yet.

Sometimes, my Spanish is super good and some days not so much. And with that comes understanding people. So we were knocking doors and I knocked on this door and this man opened the door. I said buenas tardes amd he said something back amd i didnt hewr him because he was opening the door at the same time so i said mande which is just like repeat yourself please, and elder farrer is like my gosh Tracy amd then he starts talkijg to this dude and i eventually jump in the conversation and it was good. But it turns out that this man had just said buenas tardes back and I immediately yelled back for him to repeat. Haha it was a lot funnier in person sorry y'all

We have this one investigator, Maria, and she is an older lady, but she's super sweet and loves to hear from us. But we have had a couple lessons where we taught her a bunch of material and we felt it was good at the time. But as we thought about it, we realized it might be too much for her. So we just read and talked about the Book of Mormon and explained things and answered questions as she had them. We ended with Moroni 10:3-5 and explained Moronis promise to her and I could tell that it was starting to click for her. We invited her to just read. As much or as little as she can. And for her to then pray, in the name of Christ, to know if these things are true. We promised her that she would recieve something from God if she does what she needs to. I could feel the spirit so strong in her little living room as we testified of it all to her. I could feel gods love for her and for us.

So with that, I want to give a brief summary of what I've learned from my mission about God and his Everlasting Gospel. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and contains the fu illness of the everlasting love of God. With that, I know Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and he restored the plain and precious truths of God to the Earth. I know that God is infinitely aware of each and everyone of us and is directing our paths everyday. I know the Church is true and contains a all the happiness and joy I will ever find in my life.

Stay happy y'all. I love y'all. If you have questions, send me an email at or a message through Facebook because my mission is now allowed to teach people back home so if y'all want to know more let me know!

As always,

Elder Tracy

Here I am with a nice looking tree with some fall colors!
OUr ward had a talent show and so we helped set up for it and it was super fun!
Finally, at new missionary training last week, I took this photo with some homies from the MTC that we know (from left) Elders Anderson, Moser, English and Tracy all Spanish speaking!

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