Monday, October 9, 2017

So. I. Fell.

Hey y'all!

So this week was pretty eventful to say the least. It was transfer week!

So I received a new companion this week and a new ward assignment! I left Elder Garcia and Midway Ward and im now with Elder Farrer in Chicago Second Ward!  Elder Farrer is super cool and and super fun! He is St. George, Utah and is a hard worker. We arrived in Chicago at the same time. A typical missionary gets 12 weeks of training. We both had 6 weeks of training. So we are like babies released into the wild. We are learning very quickly how to speak and teach haha. We have had some great experiences finding and teaching already. My apartment is pretty awesome. Others say it's the second nice at apartment in the mission. It's super clean and it has this killer kitchen and it's all around awesome. I miss the old apartment, but this one will do. But Chicago Second is a really cool area. There is this one part of our area, called the Villita with little Mexican shops and restaurants. But, yesterday alone, we heard like 14 gun shots and saw a man peeing in an alleyway. So its super lit and awesome here. I love this place. The members are pretty cool and they are willing to feed us sometimes so that's great.

So the on Thursday, we were riding back from the church to our house, and some of the other elders had left some food in our house, so they were riding with us. Our house is a solid two minute ride from the church. So we were hauling and racing to our house and we made the turn onto 31st from Pulaski. And as we are flying through the intersection turning right, the other three elders make it through fine. But I was hauling and I was gonna make this turn. So as I make the turn, I realize that I'm going too fast but it's too late--I went flying through the air. I landed and rolled onto my back and slid on my backpack for about 30 feet. I immediately popped up and got on my bike which was about 20 feet further down the road. In my fall, my bike pedal had taken the majority of the fall. So that left the pedal itself bent. The crankset was fine, but the pedal was bent. And as a result, as i pedaled, I was really unscrewing the pedal from the bike. After we had gotten about half a block down the road and thirty second later, my left pedal gave out as soon as I was pushing down on it. So my foot hit the ground, my handlebar wrenched to the right and I went over the handlebar yet again. I landed and rolled a good little bit. Needless to say, I walked the rest of the way home. It was honestly one of the funniest things I've ever done and Elder Farrer and I didn't stop laughing about it until like 11 o clock that night. It was awesome. We did get my bike all fixed up and I really only scraped up my elbows. So God is watching over me and protecting me. I feel blessed to not to have been hurt worse. My backpack took almost all the slide. And yes, I wore my helmet, like everyday. So #blessed

We have been feed some amazing authentic Mexican food almost everyday. This ranges from simple meals of rice, beans, meat and tortillas, to complex meals such as Chilis Rienos which are Chilis stuffed which cheese and meat and then cooked with a thin bread layer or something. I have eaten some of the most spicy food of my life and I have also been forced to eat far more than I thought physically possible. It's been awesome.

Things here are freaking awesome. I love the people and the Language is coming along. I can speak pretty well. A lot of the people we talk to say that we speak really well and I am really beginning to understand people nearly all the time. (If I try to listen and ask them to repeat...) We found two new investigators this week and we are hoping to find more. It's all a wonderful learning experience and I have grown as a person and as a disciple of Jesus Christ. I am so excited to be able to share the gospel with these people. I know the church is true.

Love y'all and hope to hear from you! (Email me at

As always,

Elder Tracy

The Crash
Thomas the Tank Engine!

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