Monday, January 15, 2018

Happy 6 Months without Seth

Que pato, quack quack?

How is everyone doing? I certainly hope that everything was just awesome for yall this week! Things have been moving for us here in la gran ciudad de Chicago. And this week was certainly interesting.

PERO to start, we had new missionary training this week and that was fantastic. I love new missionary training. You and your trainer are supposed to go your first two transfers, or three months. But since I've been training since I finished being trained, then I've had the awesome chance to attend four transfers in a row and it has been fantastic. This time we talked a bunch about how the Lord has strengthened and helped his servants in times past. Enoch, Moses, Abraham, Ether, Alma all showed and were painfully aware of their weaknesses and often doubted themselves. But every time, the Lord God came back and gave them the ability to overcome what has befallen them. It was super cool because that applies to me because I have MANY weaknesses and I'm beginning to see what the Lord is able to do with a simple white kid from Texas.

We also have been working super hard with our intestigator Camila to get her ready for baptism. We have been working a heck ton to teach her everything she needs. Her family is awesome though. They were less active in the church but they love the elders and they always have fed the elders and are just homies. But they started coming back to church and they are super strong in the gospel right now I love to see how far they have come. We also have been visiting this other less active family and they came to church this week for the first time in forever! It was awesome to see them and the ward was super welcoming to them again and it made my heart happy!

But like the title of this email reads, I hit 6 months in the mission last Friday. That means that you all have gone 6 months without seeing, hearing or being in the awkward presence of me. That's two thirds of a pregnancy we are talking about here. But this also means that I am already a quarter way done with this mission. And that is scary. We always say that we are out for 2 years, and when you start, you can enjoy the fact that youre new and you have a long way to go. But as time moves on, things change. You have to start being responsible and actually the one attending to the needs of those you teach and visit. You become a servant of Christ. You are the one helping them learn. And grow. And love God. It's super easy to get caught up in all the time you have left on your mission. But, once it is past, it's gone. I will never be able to relive the 6 months I've already spent here. And I would give everything to make this next 6 months the best yet.

I love you all so much. I love this Gospel. I love the Lord. I love my mission and I love Chicago. I love and know that what I teach is true. The church is true and the book is blue.

As always,

Elder Tracy

New Missionary Training with mi hijo
We found an alien in the parking lot so naturally, things happened.
We also decided tk watch a DVD one night that we had in out apartment and this was our little set up because we lit

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