Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Oh yeah, we baptized someone

Hola y buenas días mis amigos y miembros de mi familia! Espero que esteis muy bien todo el tiempo.

PERO this week was kinda busy but also not a whole lot interesting happened.

We went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders this week and that was super fun. I was with Elder Koceja and he is a homie we had an awesome time. We ended up going downtown for a doctor's appointment he had and I got to go to a part of town I had never been! The Brown Line of the Chicago Train System is probably the coolest line ever. It like weaves its way through these houses and buildings and its just so cool. Elder Koceja and I, I think had a pretty good time. I learned a lot from him and how I can improve and just be better.

Also, later,  we got this referral from the Assistants to the President and so we went and this guy Noé is super solid and wants to learn more. I am blown away they found him. Although, we almost didn't find him. We get an address from the APs and so we make our way over there and it's a big house with a hair salon in the front room. And so we are just like OK... So there's a back door around the side and we go knock on that, and we then realize that that door goes to about 5 other doors because this was a apartment building we realized. So we go around the front, and there is another door that we hadn't seen before. (Miracle 1) and so we go up this super long flight of stairs to the second story, and we knock on the door there. No one answers. We are about to leave, and then I notice this other staircase kinda hidden away that's leads up even more and I feel like we should go up it. (Miracle 2) and so we go up and we find another door. So we knock and to our suprize, two little girls answer the door. Confused, they just stand there. Elder Osorio asks them if we could speak to their father or mother and then this guy comes around the corner and comes out the door and is like I've been waiting a like hour, come on in! (Miracle 3) we found him and taught him. God has a role in our lives and a plan even if we don't know where or how to do things.

We also, as the title insinuates, had a baptism! We got Camila ready and baptized within a month or so. (Well I mean we could only do so much, the rest falls on her and the Holy Ghost) but it was a beautiful service and what made it ever more awesome was that her older brother got to baptize her. She was confirmed yesterday and she is now officially, a full fledged member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a lot or prayers and hopes and dreams answered for but us and her family. It was an awesome experience.

Well, that's really all I have for yall this week. It was kinda a regular ish week. I hope all is well with you all and that everyone is surviving this random weather we have been having. Love yall!

Elder Tracy

Also we got a new prophet for all of those who didn't know. See more at www.lds.org

Elder Osorio, Camila her brother and Me.
Their whole family. Homies.

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