Monday, April 2, 2018

General Conference, Easter, Temple! Oh My!

Well hello my friends and family! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Weekend and that you all had a good time listening to General Conference!

Well this week was one for the record books. We start off with the fact that we got to go to the temple here in Chicago and it was way cool! There was a woman who had told the temple that she was coming in to do some baptisms and she was going to be bringing close to 300 names, so the temple asked if a group of 8 of us missionaries would be willing to help with those. So we of course said yes and so we got to do baptisms! I got to baptize and also be baptized and it was a super fun thing! We then got to go do a session with the Other Spanish Zone because we missed ours!

This week was also General Conference, and for those of you who don't know  General Conference is when our dear Prophet Russell M Nelson and the 12 apostles of Christ and various other church leaders address us. (go to if you want to know more) but I learned so much and I had several wonderful moments of personal revelation as questions were answered, doubts were resolved, advice was given and testimonies were strengthened. I can tell you all that God has called his Prophet to the earth today to lead and guide us and help us learn the will of God for us all. One of the most meaningful things I heard was that If we are struggling to forgive someone, we should think of that Jesus Christ did for us. And then it will all be put into perspective.

This week we also received a referral from some English Elders who had found a Spanish family who they couldn't really teach. So we went over before Conference on Saturday and they accepted us in and we gave a quick Restoration Lesson and as we discussed it, and came to the account of the First Vision, the Spirit came over all of us like a wave. I was feeling it, Elder Wright was, and most importantly, the two people were too. They told us afterward, with small tears in their eyes, that they wanted us to come back on Tuesday and to teach them more. So we definitely are going back! It was an experience I will never forget.

With this Sunday being Easter, I would just like to leave you all with my growing testimony that Christ lives. He suffered and died for all of us, but we have to take the initiative and work to receive the remission if our sins through dilligent repentence. He loves us all so much that he,  being the perfect, very Son of God, paid the infinite price for our infinite sins so that we could be infinitely happy one day.

We had a good week this week, I'm really happy about it all. I hope yall have a good week and if you want to know more about the church and General Conference, let me know! (sorry this is a super long email a bunch happened this week)

As always,

Elder Tracy

Here is Elder Wright and I in front of the Temple
Here is Elder Anderson, English and I taking some redneck photos in the woods of the temple grounds
We write out names on these cups we had and Elder Wright wrote my name on his so I wrote mine on mine and things happened haah

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