Monday, April 23, 2018

Bitter and then sweet!

Hello hello hello everyone!

I hope that you all have had a fantastic week! Well this week was interesting! And like the title implies, it started out really rough haha. On Monday, we were heading over to the church to meet some other missionaries for our day off, and it was kinda rainy and snowy and good things like that. And here in Chicago, they are super smart and when they are fixing the road, they apparently like give up for a few days and they put these giant metal plates on the ground. And when they are wet, the are super slippery. So I was coming up to this intersection and there was a bunch of these plates, so I hopped up and I started in on them. And then I was on the ground haha I scraped my arm pretty good and I hit my knee pretty good too. I'm doing way better now but it was a rough way to start haha. 

But then we found this super amazing family! They are Javier and Carla and their two daughters! They are so awesome. An Hermana from another ward sent us the Referral and we were pumped and we started teaching them on Tuesday and we had an amazing lesson. And then on Friday they had us back and it was way good. They have been reading in the Book of Mormon, praying,  they accepted an invitation to be baptized and they ever came to church! I honestly feel that they are golden investigators.

Elder Wright and I are putting in some good work. We are finding a good amount of people and have made progress with a lot of them. It's been good. We also have had a super great time together! Everything seems to be going awesome! Also this week we met all our goalsbthat we set and I felt so accomplished! But as the Book of Mormon Prophet Ammon said, "I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things"

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Keep me posted on yall lives!! 

As always, 

Elder Tracy 

Here's one of my arm when I fell haha
Here we are after a nice meal with some homie members 

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