Monday, April 16, 2018

Cold Week, Hot Mouth

Hello Everyone! This week was a super awesome but also kinda slow but overall super awesome.

So to start, we get a referral from the Chi 3 elders and they are telling us about how they just taught an investigators family of five jn our area, and they were giving them to us! So turns out that they are actually some really good friends of an English ward family and they are super solid investigators! So this week we got a solid family and we are having an appointment tonight! I'm super excited!

It's also been super duper cold this week. It's been sleeting and snowing and stuff so that's always fun. While riding in the sleet your fave gets hit hard. Because it's cold and windy the ice moves at about 57 miles an hour and they are sharp too so it hurts hahahaha

We also had Zone Conference and it was AMAZING. I loved it so much. We learned a lot and it was super powerful for me (Elder Tracy). We learned some really good insights and after I left, I felt super inspired to do God's work! It was awesome. Something President Bingham said that I thought was fun was "1 day of Church and 6 days of fun, odds of getting into Heaven: 6 to 1" If we aren't trying our very hardest to really not only keep the sabbath day, but to sanctify it, then we are not really keeping the Sabbath day holy. And as we know that is one of the 10 Commandments, the most basic laws we have, and if we can't obey that, can we really obey the higher laws that Jesus Christ has put in place, and thus receive those higher blessings? It's a powerful reminder to me of what I might need to change and how we can help others understand that and change.

I love yall and I hope everything was good! If you have anything to say, say it to my face at

As always, 

Elder Tracy 

Ps Elder Wright and I ate Habenero Peppers (hence the title of this email) and we have a video and if you wanna see it, let me know and I'll add you to it!

We found the infamous Chicago Sign. 
We went bowling last Pday! I bowled a 149 I was super proud haha
Here we are chilling after a gator canceled on us haha
And we decided to try something new with tracting with a sign! 

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