Monday, April 30, 2018

Boda, Bautismo y Bendiciones

Heeeeeeeellllo Everyone!
This week was very very awesome and let me tell you about it.

So to begin, we taught this really bomb lesson with this really bomb family of investigators and they are super duper awesome. We taught them the restoration because the elders that thought them before some another ward didn't do too hot of a job... So we picked up the slack and he fixed everything and they are super interested! It's awesome!

Out teaching pool right now is actually giant and we are having a hard time fitting it all in and making it all work sometimes but it's definitely a good problem to have. It's been the best transfer I've had yet. 

We then went and did some service with a member and he was kinda weird at first when he asked, but he ended up being a homie and he said that he owes us a lunch someday and I'm always down for that haha 

So as the title of the email says, WE HAD A BAPTISM THIS WEEK. Martin and Silvia got baptized finally! We had been waiting on Martin's Papers to arrive so he could get legally married to Silvia. And they came in like last month so we got them ready and off they went. So this weekend, they got married and then they changed and then got baptized that same night! It was an amazing experience to see. On Sunday we got to confirm Martin and Silvia and I got to confirm Silvia into the church and bestow upon her the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It was an amazing experience. I was just so peaceful and the spirit was peaceful in that meeting. It was a very very good week.

Also to add a cherry on the top of all that, Elder Wright and I are staying together for this transfer and we have some really good stuff happening in our area right now so I'm super pumped. A super great blessing indeed. 

As always, 

Elder Tracy

District Pictures there are two haha 
Baptism and Wedding with Martin and Silvia and Elders Tracy, Wright, Farrer and Silvia way good day. 

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