Monday, October 15, 2018

3 Transfers and Cool Weather!

Hey Everyone!

So this was a pretty legit week if I do say so myself. There was a lot of things that happened but I can't remember a whole lot. It's been really nice weather but also super cold for this Texas boy. We've been chilli in the 40s and 50s this week and it's been cold!

We got to go to the temple as I said last week. It was awesome! It was really good to go back to the temple again because it's always a place of great peace and comfort for me. I would highly recommend it to all. Elder Fry and I and Elder Yount and Bridge all carpooled down to the temple we had a great time together.

We also met this hilarious guy named Chema. We were out knocking doors and we decided to start at the far end because of some interesting curcumstances at the near end. And we felt to do so anyway. As we knocked on the second door, this kinda sketchy dude opens the door. He steps out into the light and we actually get tk look at him. Full beard, long hair, crazy look in his eye you get the idea. But as we get talking this dude a homie. He speaks English, Spanish and French and a little Russian. He works as a lab technician burning things for a living. He is the classic Mellenial young guy. We explain the Book of Mormon and he was super interested in it. We would tell him about it and he would stop us and say "so lemme see if I understand what you're saying" and he would tell us back what we'd said and it would be in the greatest story telling skills I've ever heard. I legit had to hold back laughing. For example "so this guy mormon is like yo son, champ  we gotta write this stuff down we got some good stuff like other people gotta know about this." way good guy

We had a lot of time to find this week. We found a guy named Miguel who, as we explained the Book of Mormon, his eyes got wider and wider and we were gonna give him the book but I decided to read a verse with him and he was sad thay I didn't give it to him right then. But we gave it to him after and he was super excited about it. We will see what happens!

But we got transfer calls yesterday and Elder Fry and I are staying here in Arlington Heights 3rd for a 3rd transfer! And he will now be the district leader! I'm so excited to be able to help Elder Fry through his first little bit as District Leader! I am really excited to be here for another transfer with Elder Fry! We've become pretty good buddies and I can always speak my mind with him haha but it's going to be an awesome 6 weeks!

This week I really felt God's love for me and my family and I know God is real, love us and wants the best for us! The church is true and the book of mormon is real!

As always,

Elder Tracy

The Zone at the Temple (it was really bright)
The Zone after the last district council
We found a great license plate

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