Monday, October 22, 2018

Somehow I crashed my bike again

Hey Everyone,

This was a good week again! Not a whole lot happen this week let's see if I can remember what happened.

We had inveterview with President Bingham this week and it was a good interview. He was talking and then all the sudden, he says, you know Elder you've been out a while now, you're an old timer now! And it's true though! I come home in June! June 26th to be exact. It's crazy. But it's crazy how fast times gone by. I mean I've already finished 15 months!

We stopped by some less active people the other day and there were some kids outside playing soccer and because Elder Fry is awesome he was like hey can we play too? So we ended up playing with them for like 15 minutes! It was super fun. It turns out they were the kids and cousins of the lessactive family we were looking for!

We get a random call from our bishop and he says "Elderes, vengan a la casa, tengo pan para ustedes" so we were like sweet OK he lives like 2 minutes from our house so we decided to ride bikes over because it was a nice day and we get there and this man had bought the whole store out like dang there was so much bread. So we told him we'd be back and so we got the car and picked it all up! There was so much! See attached pictures. But that day riding bikes I managed to escape fine.

But Sunday I was not so fortunate haha we, as missionaries, have a certain number of miles to use in the car every month. For example, this month we were allotted 1100 for our massive area. And we've already used like 850 and we wanted to save some. We decided to ride bikes yesterday because it was in the 50s and sunny so why not? We ride to the chruch successfully and it was so fun! It was 5 miles and we did it in 25 minutes and it takes us 20 minutes to ride the car. Church was good. Afterward, we had a couple of appointments to attend to so we were just going to ride to those and then back home. Saving us some 15 or so miles. But we got about 5 minutes into the ride and we pull out onto this smaller road and I adjust my light so I can turn it on, and I was putting back om my glove whilst riding with no hands (because I'm cool like that) and then I hear this little pop and then my seat is no longer supporting me! So I like slip off my bike (and out of my straps somehow) and hit my hands and knees hard, slide, and I kinda keel over into my side a little bit. My bike is a little ways down the road and I'm overall OK. Upon further inspection, the small bolt that held my seat to tegher and on the bike, snapped due to the cold weather and my fatness, thus causing me to fall. I scraped my hand up, destroyed my pants, and scraped my knee  but other than that, I was super blessed that nothing worse happened to me! We called a member and he said he'd come and pick us up because we were like 7 miles from home haha we ended not making it to those citas which was good because they weren't even home (we called to apologize and they weren't even home) so we get home, I clean up and we go back out to stop by some people (in the car) and it was a good day over all.

I am fine all in all. I just need to purchase a new bike seat bolt and all will be fine! I was very blessed though to be have not had something worse happen to me. It was an answer, I'm sure, to some of your prayers. Thank you all for all you do! I hope you have a good week and that everything works out!

As always,

Elder Tracy

Obispo and Bread x2
Soccer with the boys
PreCrash selfie
Post crash pictures

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