Monday, October 1, 2018

Throat Spiders and Laundry Detergent

Hey Everybody!

This was a super good week! We had a lot of great and funny things happen this week! To start!

Last Monday, we went downtown! It was awesome! O'hare airport is in the bottom of our area, so we hopped on the train leaving there and we went down to the chrome store, let the west elders buy a backback or two, then we went downtown and we got to see a lot of cool stuff! For example, we got to see my boys Elder Osorio, Moser, Tibbitts, Wilding just to name a few. I was the tour guide on the day because I've been there before ahah but we went to the Clark Street Church Building which is the most beautiful church building I've ever seen. We went to the Magnificent Mile on Michigan Ave and we also got free chocolate from a chocolate store! It was a great day! I'll attach a bunch of pictures because it was awesome.

We were able to put Miguel on date for the 24th of November!! He's super awesome and we are so excited for him! We are trying to get in with his wife and kids so that they can also be blessed by the gospel! They will be awesome! But we are going to meet with him tonight so thats super cool,

We had Zone Conference this week and it was super good! We talked a lot about how we can get better and also how we can be come better teachers and how we can help people unserdtant our message better. It was good to see the whole zone together it made us feel even more unified and work even harder. It was a great day.

On Friday evening, we were walking out of an appointment and apparently my mouth was open. And as I step out the door, all the sudden there was something in the back of my throat! So I start hacking up a lung and my left kidney trying to get this thing out and all in the mean time this man Elder Fry is just dying laughing. I get it out and there was a dadgum SPIDER in my throat and it had bitten my throat because it hurt like a goat in a pepper patch. So we hop in the car (and the family we just visited were watching out the window to see if I was OK) and I call the mission nurse and I explain the story and her husband, after I said I had swallowed a spiderbut got it out, yelled "Well it sounds like you didn't swallow it after all" and he also told me to keep my mouth closed as I leave appointments. All in all, I purchased some medicine and I crashed and I woke up the next morning a little groggy but all together, fine. Everything's fine. I'm fine.

But the weather here is awesome! It's been a little rainy but it's been in the 50s and 60s the whole time this week and it's been GLORIOUS because I like fall weather! We are officially in sweater weather and it's awesome because it's not deathly hot and humid here anymore! The work is progressing, Elder Fry and I are homies and are scheming to build a go-cart after the mission, things are good and I'm happy.

Hope you all have a great week and that's everything goes well for you! The church is true and the book is very blue!

As always,

Elder Tracy

My boy Elder Tibbitts
The Clark building
The squad (Elder Fry, Yount, Tracy and Lytle)
The Chicago Sign
The cutest dog ever in my life I've seen. Her name is luna
A member hooked us up with some laundry detergent and we've been smelling fresh since.

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