Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Hey Everyone!

Sorry this is a day ish late! There's a reason behind that and it's because we are going to the temple today! WOOOHOOOO I'm so excited because the temple si the best place on earth.

But this week was pretty awesome if I do say so myself. To start  we've been having a super great success rate with putting people on date for baptism. It's been super fun! For example we are teaching these two sisters who have a lot of young kids and so we brought our recent converts German and Lorena and they instantly because best friends with Yessica and Alejandra (the sisters) it's awesome! By the time we left phone numbers were exchanged, compliments were given and a budding friendship had formed! They even committed to come and watch General Conference with is this weekend! However, plan changed with Yessica, the older sister because she suddenly got called into work and wasn't able to come. We were super sad it it's fine we're fine.

But this week we also went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders! I went with Elder Wright to Bloomingdale and Elder English came with my companion, Elder Fry, here in Arlington Heights. It. was. awesome. Elder Wright is the coolest dude ever. He's going home from his mission in like a week so he is super funny about it all. We played intense jenga, visited some homies (and one super crazy one) and we also got to have a super lit district meeting. Things are looking up here haha

So on Saturday we get a text from a member in the other elders' area telling us to come and get some donuts and so we said OK because we are fat haha so we go expecting like maybe like 2 donuts for each of us or something. This man opens the door and he has three dozen donuts for us to take. We accepted and shared with the other elders but it was intense.

So this weekend was General Conference. For those of you who are unfamiliar with such a  phrase, please allow my to explain to you what this means. In the Bible, we can read of Prophets, such as Noah, Abraham, Isaiah etc. These worthy men were chosen, or called, by God to receive His word and instructions for the people through a process called revelation. This allowed God to speak to his people through these phophets. We all believe that God is the same yesterday, today and forever and thus accordingly, we believe that God has chosen, or called, a new prophet to lead and guide us today so that we can receive God's instructions for us today. So this weekend we had to opportunity to hear our Prophet, Russell M Nelson, and the Lords 12 apostles speak to us! (See Ephesians 4:10-12) They discussed many things but my favorite was a line which said "No one was Preordained to fail, everyone can receive eternal life" which struck me. We can all meet God's lofty expectations for us. We must be obedient and hearken unto the council of the Lord and his Servants because it's the same.

To end on a funny note, these last couple of weeks we have been fighting with squirrels. We have a sliding glass door in our apartment and we leave it open a lot whilst at home because it's nice weather here. This one squirrel has eaten through the screen door and will come into our apartment if we aren't careful. It's the worst haha but it's super funny. We have like 5 videos of this specific squirrel getting into our house. While watching general conference apparently some small children left a door open at the church and a squirrel got into the building haha so we all spend like 15 minutes trying to get this thing out of the church eventually we did it but it was intense. We have a curse or somethings it's super funny.

To end I know this is the truth I'm out here spreading. I'm convinced that the Lord needs me here right now. Even though there are countless people who reject us even daily, it doesn't matter to me. I'm here doing what I'm supposed to and I'm helping those who actually need it. This work is currently my life and my love. This is the truth.

As always,

Elder Tracy

Post exchange selfie
Some random ladies gave us some tamales because we spoke spanish
All them donuts
The evil squirrel in the church

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