Monday, October 29, 2018

Parties and Mostaches

Hey Everyone!

This week was an awesome week! We had a lot of things happen it was kind of a wild week. We've been so tired everyday because we've been working as hard as we can and just been grinding it out! It's been awesome!

To start, we get a call from this kinda crazy lady named Sandra in our ward and she says that she has someone for us to teach. (she probably does this once a week now a days) (she like only knows how to talk about Jesus and the Gospel so it's a good thing for her and us) and so we bring obispo with us and meet this 20 year old lady named Carina and she is the best!! We taught her the restoration and she was feeling it! She agreed to baptism then and there! We have a lesson with her tonight! She wants another set of scriptures like ours too!! We are super duper excited for her to keep learning abiut the Gospel.

This week was also kinda rough because we had two dinner appointments on the same day, two days in a row. We weren't planning to eat at all of them, they just had food prepared for us! So we ate really well this week, but we hadn't planned on jt at all. It was a wild little few days. As a consequence, Elder Fry and I have been taking it easy in food here recently haha

We got a new Elders quorum president in the ward here and this man is literally firing on every single cylinder. He is so intensely focused on fulfilling his calling hes a straight wizard. We had a meeting with him, the other elders in the ward and also the bishop and we talked for about an hour and a half on how to improve the ward. We also got tamales from his wife and they were amazing. Like I ate 6 of these bad boys. I was destroyed for the rest of the night but it was worth every bite and pound gained.

We also had an awesome ward Halloween party and we were able to get this less active part member family there that we've been working with for a while and it was nice! The Hermana said that it was good to be back at church again and the niƱo she brought with her bf is super interested in coming to church to keep having the friends he made there! We are excited for them too! But the party was awesome! We got candy, had a great time talking with the members and their friends and we even dressed up! (kinda)

Things here in Arlington Heights are awesome! I'm slowly learning more about the culture and language and it's been awesome! I'm also learning more and more of the Bible and The Book of Mormon and it's been helping me find the answers to the questions I have in life. I would highly recommend it to all who desire to learn as I have.

As always,

Elder Tracy

1. A buddy of mine from Midway came up to see us!
2.Our costumes
3. The Soto Familia
4. The Ward party!

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