Monday, July 15, 2019

Legends of ICM


Hey but this week was awesome. We had a ton of awesome things happen! Last week we went to Schaumburg and it was wayyyyy fun! We got to see a bunch of homies from back in the day and then right afterward we went on exchanges again!! I went with Elder Smith in Bloomingdale and it was a wayyyyy good time out there! We had some way fun lessons and some way good contacts with some people. We had a great time talking about the good days and the feels. Had a great district Council in SPANISH AND I WAS FEEEELLLIJG IT

We also had MLC this week and it was awesome. It was all the Zone Leaders and the Sister Training Leaders and President Shumway and it was super cool. We had a great time talking about how we can help the mission get better. We got to see a bunch of the good people from back in the day.

We also have been grinding out here and finding some legendary people out here in Waukegan and it's been sueor super fun. Elder Sharples and I have been becoming really good friends and it's always good to work along side him. We have seen so many miracles here recently and it's been awesome.

Needless to say, we are the legends of the ICM

As always

Elder Tracy

Monday, July 8, 2019


Hey folks

This has been an awesome week this week. We went on TWO Exchanges this week and it was awesome. We went on exchanges with the Elgin elders na dit was a wild time. Elder Brimhall and I did some gooood work out in round lake in our area. And I also got to go on exchanges with Elder Barlow in Bloomingdale on the 4th of July and it was  great time. So much food. So much food. Such a good time.

This week we also got to meet our mission president, president Shumway and he is the best! We learned so much about him and his family and we are so excited to be able to do work with him! It's been a wild week out here.

Well. I have like 4 weeks left in my mission and it's super fun out here. I never want it to end. But it will soon.

Love yall!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Transfers, Emergency Transfers and New Presidents

Hey Everyone!

The title basically says everything about the week. So I had Elder Vargas for two amazing days haha we taught some awesome lessons and we had some awesome tuigns going on the area and the Zone! But we got a call from the assistants to the president, on Thursday, and then we got got.

Elder Sharples, a missionary I've known for a long time, crashed his bike and got cut up pretty good and now is unable to ride a bike for a while and so we drove all the way back to Chicago and picked him up and then e headed back up and have been continuing as normal for the past few days!

Elder Sharples and I have been having a great time being Zone Leaders! We are over five districts with equates to 38 missionaries in total and it's CRAZY! We've been blasting this week and having a great great time talking with everyone we can!

We have a new mission president now! His name is President Shumway and he is a legend! We will he meeting him tomorrow for once! Things are good!

As always, Elder Tracy

Monday, June 24, 2019



This week was a great week out here in Gurnee 3!!! sorry I haven't been super good about sending these emails recently. I've been super super busy on our preparation days and it's been super super fun for us out here.

But this week was super great. We have been working with a ton of super sueor awesome people and it's been super good. I've been learning a ton of Spanish and its been awesome. I have been perfecting it slowly but surely I'm learning more and more. I have lived being with Elder monja we have been having a ton of fun and we've been working super hard and serving a ton of people.

Also this week, since I am going to be finishing up here sson, we got to go to the TEMPLE!! It was probably one of the best days of my mission. I just love going there especially because I, being a missionary, I don't get to go to the temple often. It was great because it was also a time in which I got to see some of my old friends from my mission, like Elder Anderson, Elder wright, Elder English and so many good people. It was good to be there. I love to see the temple.

This week we also got transfers, we got the information that Elder Monja is leaving the area here in Gurnee 3 after 6 months and is going to Bloomingdale 2! But I'm staying here for my last transfer and I am receiving Elder Vargas from Spain and we will be ZONE LEADERS over the Buffalo Grove and Schaumburg!!! It is going to be a willllld time out there. I am super super excited for the change and this new opportunity to serve in another capacity as a missionary.

Things are happening out here for me I guess. I love this experience I have had to serve others as a representivie of Jesus Christ. I'm happy to serve and continue to further my language abilities and my understanding of the scriptures.  I love the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

as always

Elder Tracy

Monday, June 17, 2019

2 weeks again...

HEY Everyone!

So sorry I didn't send out an email last week! I just wasn't feeling it! We are always super busy here in Gurnee and I love it so much! So a little catch up to do for you al!

So this last week was fastastic. We had ZONE conference and it was amazing! It was President Bingham last zone conference and it was super good to hear all the insights he had for us. I love that man haha he is super good at being a Mission Presidnet. but we talked about so many super good things, from unity, to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to the Premortal realm and foreordenation. It was probably among one of the greatest things I have ever seen on my mission. President Bingham had a lot of departing things to say before he left. I cried. I will admit it. I was super touched by the fact that he tod us that he isn't the best but he is definately trying, and I also thought about how much I have changed on my mission and also the person I am trying to become and also how my Savior would be proud of the work I am doing: spreading the truth of His one and only true and living, restored church on the earth today.

Things here in Waukegan are awesome. We are working with a ton of people who are preparing ot be baptised here soon! We cover several major towns here in the north of Chicago: Waukegan, Gurnee, Zion, Grayslake, Round Lake, Round Lake Beach, Lake Villa and many more. But there are only hispanish people in like three of those cities. So we hit a lot of these place everyday and it is crazy.

We do a ton of teaching and it is the best. We are teaching some people that really need yalls prayers! The Avilez family are a family from Mexico and they are wanting to learn more and learn for themselves and come to church but so many other things get in the way. It is rough for them and for us for that reason. There is a guy we are working with named Jesus (but he goes by Chuy) and his mom is not being super cooperative with us right now.

also Ps sorryto all you who sent me a birhtdya email, I am super sorry I haven't gotten around to those yet. It has been waaaayyyy too busy.

Hey but everyone, I super love everything out here. The Spanish is flowing Form my mouth Ike none other. The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is flowing in and out of my soul like none other. I love this gospel. I love Jesus Christ and the fact that we loved all of us to give his life for every single one of us in an infinite and eternal manner in order to bring ot pass the salvation of all mankind. The Book of Mormon is true.

as always,

Elder Tracy

We Ate Lunch Out of the back of the truck in the garage of a member because it was raining and her son wasn't home so we ate outside in the garage and it was super fun haha

Monday, June 3, 2019


Hello everyone!! This was an awesome week!!!

Everything was great this week! So many things happened! We visited  TON OF PEOPLE and it was great. I honestly don't remember what happened this week but that's okay.

We did a lot of service this week and it was great!!! We mowed like 6 lawns randomly and it was awesome. We got super dirty and super sweaty but that's all good in the hood . We met so many homies and it was awesome. I got to use so many tools in a variety of ways and move a ton of heavy stuff through out the week. It's super fun here. We usually do our studies and then we are out the door until super late at night and we come home tired, we read a little in the scriptures and then we hit the hay immediately after. We are always pooped.

We also met with a legendary family this week and it was super chevere. We met with them like three times and it was super good because first, we called them and we were like where yall at? Walmart they responded and so we asked : can we meet you there? and so we went and talked with them there and then went back to their house and taught a bomb plan of salvation lesson with them and then two days later we taught them the gospel of Jesus chrust and then they were feeling it!! we put them on date and it was AWEOMSE. they accepted it and it was great. It was great. so great.

We are also working a ton with some legends from Michoacan and they are the best because they are super funny and their children are also awesome and it's super cool to see them and help them come nto churst. although, we can't seem to get them to get married so then they can fully repent before baptism. it's frustrating a veces but it's super chevere porque así son ellos.

So but I've been only speaking Spanish with Elder Monja and I have been learning a ton again and it's awesome because it's the best language. I've been really diving into my studies this week and I found some great jems and it was a great time.

ALL things are good out here and we are super happy to be working in the Vinyard of the lord.

As always
Elder Tracy

A jem in waukegeen
Elder Monja and I found a member with a leaf blower and I got destroyed haha

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Gurnee 333333333

Hey everone!!

These last two weeks have been crazy honestly. So some catching up to do. So we recieved your transfer calls and I was finally out of Naperville in style. We dipped and I got to say good bye to elder lewis. kinda sad. I love that kid. But I also got to see some of my homies at transfers like Elder Silva, Elder Lytle, Elder Sharpe and all the other homies from back in the day. I met Elder Monja and he is awesome.

Elder monja is a HOMIE. He is a legend from Perú and he is super funny. We have a super good time together. at first being in this area was kinda hard because Elder English (the one that was here before me) is a legend and he is a super awesome guy and the people here loved him to death. And when I got here I just kinda felt not as cool and I felt like I was filling some shoes that were wayyyyy too big. However, as time has gone by, I'm feeling much more comfortable in my Spanish and also my self esteem aha so I'm back at it in Spanish wards and it's AWESOME.

We have been meeting some homies out here and we are working hard ot help a huge family get married so that they can get baptised here soon and it's like trying to push a shopping cart full of briks through a parking lot of wet concrete. It's been a challenge to get them to make it there but we are helping there slowly. They are super homies. Patricia, eduardo, Dioseline, Jose and all the like 10 children these two people have. They are the cutest family and we are heloing them find more happiness.

This past week we saw some miracles because we had 16 PEOPLE COME TO CHURCH AND IT WAS CRAZY. (I had to play the piano for this ward because they are the Hispanics) This one miracle family that we are teaching came and it was super awesome because they oved it. The Avilez Family are the homies.

Also this week I had my interview with President Bingham and it was probably the greatest interview I've ever had. we talked a lot about the future and my life here after. since I extended my mission, he will go home before me and so It will be sad to see him go and such but it's part of life. But he gave me a bunch of advice regarding finish my mission, school and careers, marriage and family and much much more. It was a great time there. at the end he prayed. It was the first time I had ever heard him pray. It was fantastic. He is such a good man of God and I want to be like him some day.

The last few months, I've really noticed a change in myself. I personally love reading in the scriptures. The Bible and the book of Mormon and the other resources that we have as missionaries are awesome. I am always filled with feelings of the upward pull that leads to bettering myself through the Enabling Power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, or his sacrifice. It is awesome to see how much better I have become. How much more I love the scriptures and the gospel. I have been able to teach and testify without doubting because now I know the things I am saying.

As Always,

Elder Tracy

Here is a couple of pictures from the good old days.

Monday, May 13, 2019


Hello everyone!!

Sorry I didn't write last week it was a crazy day for us out there!

But a lot of things have happened in the last two weeks and it was an awesome time so I hope you all are ready to hear a little about some of it!!

So last week we had ZONE CONFERENCE. It was the last one for Elder Lewis and it was kinda a sad day for us out there. He is a great kid and I will miss him a ton. But we had a great time together and ZONE Conference was ah-maz-ing. We talked a ton about repentance and the real importance thereof. Many of you do not understand how our Zone Conference are. President Bingham is literally a WIZARD with the scriptures and an amazing teacher and we get blasted with knowledge and information every single time we hear him speak and it is the greatest thing ever. I love him and support him and I'm sad to see him go here soon too.

But we have been working really hard this week to be able to find people to teach and we had a legendary time. One lady had her daughter tell us to go away and her excuse was great. it was beause "she has diabetes".. it was a great time lol

But this week is kinda a sad week. elder Lewis is going home! He is finishing up and so this is our last day together. It's been a good time. I've definately learned a ton from him and other people here. I've really seen how having the gospel in your life as an integral part really blesses your family. I think that I was able to put in a good work with Elder Lewis here. It was a good time here. But I'm officially out of the English program! I'm getting transfered to GURNEE 3 WITH ELDER MONJA (ES DE PERÚ) I'm way hyped to head over there and work more with my people. I'm super excited to be able to help the people there come unto Christ.

I've been doing a lot of studying and I love the Scriptures. the Bible is the word of god. the Book of Mormon is also. It helps us come unto christ and truly understand the fullness of the Gospel of Christ. we can learn all the things that Heavenly Father wants us to learn. I have learned for myself and I do everyday that this is the true work of the Lord. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing.


As always,

Elder Tracy


the Hansen Family (some of my favorite people) (yes I know that I am too white to exist)
we made an aweomse dinner for ourselves because no one loves us lol

Monday, April 29, 2019

let's talk about the weather

Hey Everyone!

This week was a great and super hectic week! So many super fun things happened!

To start. On last monday, we went to Raising Caines!!! It was my  favorite day ever. I love that place. We went with the homies (Elder Moser and Elder Jimenez) and none of them know how to save their monies and so they were al broke, but since my dad taught me well, I save my money like none other and I had plenty of money to hook the homies up. Then at Elder Lewis's request, we went to a mall there and wandered around for like 20 minutes (it was... well yeah)

On Tuesday we had a bomb lesson with a guy we are teaching Ron and he really understood the apostasy of the original Christian church and when we explained the restoration of the Gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith, he just kinda sat there thinking about it and had some awesome questions.

On Wednesday we had a wild wild time. Elder Moser came up here after District Council and we dropped in on missionary work. We talked with all the homies, got to draw the plan of salvation with two awesome kids we are teaching, and many other things. Then Elder Moder was supposed to take a test for college on Thursday and then the college called and canceled on him and he was way sad. So we exchanged back and then like 45 mins later, we get a call back and we are exchanging again because Elder Moser can actually take the test and then we exchanged back again.

So then I spend Thursday with Elder Jimenez in Joliet (AND I GOT TO SPEAK SPANISH) (OH HOW I LOVE THAT LANGUAGE) It was awesome. we had a great time, we met with a legend named Lucia, we built a trampoline, we ate some great popsicle things and ate so much food and taught os many wonderful people.

This Saturday it snowed.

This weekend was also Stake Conference and it was aweomse. It was all centered around my favorite topic: missionary work! I had a really powerful experience throughout the whole session. It was wonderful. They just talked about the importance of sharing what we have and how utterly vital it is for us to help Heavenly Fathers children come home and keep them progressing toward their celestial home. It was honestly just fantastic to be there. This is the one and only true work. Christ's Kingdom has been established here on the earth and it is found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Book of Mormon is more of the word of God as revealed to his Prophets of old in the ancient americas. We have Prophets today who lead us and guide us back to our Heavenly home who point us to christ. The only way to know all these wonderful truths is to ask, and it shall be opened unto you.

As always,

Elder Tracy

The snow
The trampoline (it took  like 30 minutes)
the Plan of salvation

Monday, April 22, 2019


Hey all and one!

It's been a good week this week! We were able to see some awesome things happen!

To start, we found a Nigerian family!! NFor those of you not familiar with sharing the gospel, we found a potential gold mine. These people are the people - super religious, love talking about Christ, they love being social, especially with other Nigerians! And we have a Nigerian family in our ward congregation! So we knocked thier door on Friday and he was like ah I'm busy come back tomorrow! And there are a lot of people who tell us that and so we usually write it down and go back the next day and they aren't there. But we went back on Saturday and THEY WERE ALL THERE. We taught them the restoration and they really seemed to like it! We already are in contact with the other family in our ward and they are super excited too because they are from the same part of Nigeria! We will keep yall updated on what happens.

This week I also got to play the cello! There is a family full of homies out here named the Hansen Family and thier son plays the cello and they found out I play as well and they pulled it out on Friday out of the blue and let me play it! I played a duet with their son as he played the bassoon! It was a super great time and I was super duper happy to be able to play the cello once more. It made my heart very very happy.

We also had the week for funny quotes. There were so many great quotes from this week, but I have decided to tell you all of three of them.
scene 1
Elder Lewis: *knocks door*
Old Lady : Hello how may I help you?
Elder Lewis : we are missionaries from th-
Old Lady : *cuts him off* I'm too old to talk go away *closes door*

scene 2
(in a lesson with two girls we are working with and their parents)
*the girls got super off topic as usual and we are now talking about sin*
Lexi : * says somethings way out in left field is a sin*
Her mom: no, Lexi, sin is doing something that God has tod us not to do. Like lying, stealing, not honoring your parents...
Her step dad from the kitchen : That's why God gave us a strong hand
(ps this was a funny one for us idk about yall)

scene 3
(at a members house eating dinner with them and their 5 kids)
Dad: Oliver (7 y/o kid) you're almost 8 years old. What happens when you turn 8?
Oliver: I can use knives??
(Ps this was my favorite one this week)

But this week was also Easter and we got to talk a lot with people about the Easter season and what Christ means to them. There was a video that the Chuchput out and it's called "#becauseofhim An Easter Message of Hope and Triumph" and it's aweosme. We tried our best to share it with people while knocking doors but we were su prized when 99% of the people who answered expressed a faith and belief and devotion to Christ, but were not even willing to watch a 1 minute video about their Lord and Savior in the Easter season. I was honestly shocked. But it really made me think about it. "With their lips they de honor me, but their hearts are far from me" manna for thy thoughts. But this week was awesome because it really made me appreciate Christ and all he has done for me. I'm so incredibly grateful for the Bible and the Book of Mormon and for their two witnesses of the resurrected Lord. Reading both og those accounts makes me so happy to know that HE LIVES. And because he lives, we can all start over and find happiness.

As always,

Elder Tracy

okay so this is the only one. we didn't really take any picture this week, so we took a selfie last night and called it good

Monday, April 15, 2019

April showers, I mean snow storms?

Hello everyone!

This was a great week! We were able to have some awesome things happen this week! For example we were able to get some work done!!

We were kinda feeling down on ourselves one day and so we decided to stop by a famiy we are working with and it was apparently the lord himself who had told us to be there. We get there and begin to speak with the mother (who is a member of the church but hasn't been in some time) outside as she had just gotten home from work. And as soon as we began talking she instantly opened up to us about all the problems they are facing and it was not pretty. They are really going though a lot and it can all be traced back to one problem. But we kept telling her about the a toning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the promised blessings of living the gospel and she began to feel better about it all. Shortly there after, her son came up from playing at a local park and we were able to talk with him more. We are actually trying to baptize her son, Drew and comtinue to fix his mother's spiritual situation so that she can jion us again at church!

We also were able to have an awesome experience at our district council this week! Elder Moser had done some digging and was able to locate a golden nugget in the Old testament of how we can consider our ways and really think of how we can better live our lives in harmony with Christ's teachings. It was a great reflecting moment in my life about how I can continue to become better in life.

WE ALSO PLAYED "BUTTON BUTTON WHO HAS THE BUTTON" WITH THE CUTEST FAMILY IN OUR WARD AND I WAS SO HAPPY. For those of you not familiar with the game" Button button who has the button", it is a Tracy Family Tradition,  nay an integral part of the Tracy Family way of life. It is the greatest game ever and it worked so well and we had a fantastic gospel discussion afterward and it made me so happy to see the teaching of my parents coming into use in my life!! (yet another application of Malachi 4:5-6)

also it snowed this week. what the heck. It is April people.

We started teaching this wonderful Muslim woman named Mona and she is the funniest person ever. We met her about two weeks ago and it's been awesome ever since. We were finally able to find her a Book of Mormon in Arabic and she was ecstatic! She exclaimed that she was definately going to start reading it! She opened it up and she was reading through just a couple of lines and she says" Jerusalem?? isn't that where Jesus will come back?" she is super fun! I've also learned a lot about the Islamic faith and it  is really cool to learn about other people and the peace and religions the practice. It is also so wonderful to me that we have the word of God available to us in every language and we are literally completing the scripture found in the Book of Mormon in 2 Nephi 31:3! It's super cool to see! If you want to see that verse, go to:

love you all! make it a good week! remember who you are and what you stand for!!

as always,

Elder Tracy

A fire truck pulled up on us the other day
the snow???!!!

Monday, April 8, 2019


Hey Everyone!

This week was great honestly! Don't have a ton of time this week to write because we've been busy haha but this week was awesome! We found some awesome people to teach and we have some great Potentials! 

This week we got to ride bikes and it was awesome I convinced Elder Lewis once and we got to do it! It was super fun he almost died haha it was kinda sad. 

We also had general conference and it was awesome! We got to hear from the Prophets and apostles of the lord and it was fun of inspiring messages and I received a lot of personal revelation for myself and h I can be better in life!

Things here are honestly good. The chruch is true! Revelation still flows from the heavens to mankind today! Check it out on!

As always 

Elder Tracy

Monday, April 1, 2019

A week of miracles and Gen Conf Prep

Hey Everyone!

This week was yet another great week in Naperville! Sorry, I forgot to send an email last week! But we had a lot of good tuigns happen in these last two weeks!

For one, we had Zone Conference and it was awesome to see the legends all back together again. we were combined with the Naperville Zone so I got to see some of my good friends, Elder Silva, Elder Lytle and Elder Pope and all the other homies in between! We had a great conference talking about a lot of really important things, like scriptures, how to teach and other things Ike that. It was a great great Zone Conference. It's a little ittersweet because we are nearing the end of President Bingham's Presidency term, so he is trying to make sure he is able to unload all he feels like we need to know. He is so inspired.

But this week was good. we did a lot of knocking this week to find all those new people to find. We did the math and we spend usually anywhere From 4-7 hours knocking a week and it's pretty brutal out here in Naperville. The biggest thing is that people are content with life. They have no desire to change or improve in any way. They have their house, family, job and plenty of money and a "church home" most of them and they are completely satisfied with it all. It's made reflect a ot about how blessed I have been in my life with all those things in general. It's frustrating when people are mean to us, or are not the Christians they proclaim to be, but it makes me think of Christ as well. He wasn't accepted but he was still right the whole time. manna for thy thoughts. (shoutout to Elder Tibbitts)

But we were knocking a lot this week and we werent seeing any success which was honestly super sad. But as we kept going we had the determination to keep goin! We had dinner with a family that had fed us forever ago and we left them with a book of mormon to give out. They ended up coming in cutch, giving the Book of Mormon to their childrens friend, inviting her to general conference with her whole family and taught her to pray all without being asked. Crazy. That was an amazing miracle. We also were able this week to have some miracles show up to church because this amazing missionary member of the church invited like four friends to hear her speak this weeek and three of them came!! aand the funny thing is is that we had set a goal to have three people come to church and the three we had planned on coming didnt even come! It was almost is if Heavenly Father knew!! We also were knocking doors and we felt inclined to stop by a member of the church who doesnt live too far from where we were. And wwe had never gotten contact with her or her family before. As we were leaving empty handed, she pulled up to the apartment complex and we were able to talk to her and her two unbaptized children!!! Crazy how the timing of the Lord is perfect like that!!!

We also got to go on exchanged this week with my main man Elder Jimenez. He is quite the legend. We did a bunch of baptismal interviews for the pweople they are tyeaching and one of them got BAPTIZED THIS WEEKEND nothing can stop the work from progressing.

But things are the same old here in Naperville 3. Doing some great work. The best work in the world, the Lords work. The Church has been restored and everything is coming sooner and happening faster and faster! Prepare for GENERAL CONFERENCE IT WILL BE AMAZING SO MUCH GOODNESS WILL COME FORTH. WATCH IT. LEARN IT. LOVE IT.

as always

Elder Tracy

SAULO and Elder Jimenez and me

Monday, March 18, 2019

The recovery of it allll

Hey everyone!

This week was an awesome week out here in Naperville! Since I wasn't sick to death this week,  I was actually able to get work done this week which was fantastic for us and our area and yeah!

But really this week was pretty good. we were able to find some awesome people and get som emore people to teach. we were able to find an older woman named Garnett and she's a legend. We are starting to find some good things here in this area.

I got to go on exchanges with my man Elder Moser and it was awesome. We were in Joliet for the day and I got to speak Spanish and it was my life. I had the best time ever. we taught a lot of people AND we got some awesome Mexican food.

I'm currently downtown with all the homies from back in the day. Elder Fry, Elder yount, Elder moser, Elder jimenez, Elder Osorio, Elder Garcia all the homies.

As always,

Elder Tracy

Monday, March 11, 2019


Hey Everyone!

This week was very exciting! On Monday, I got the OK from the mission nurse to go to Urgent Care because I was super fevered and kinda dying and we went and I was an adult for the first time and filled out my own paperwork, went to the pharmacy by myself like the adult I am. it was crazy. But I got the Flu. Influenza type A to be exact! So I got some medicine at the  local CVS and I crashed for the day.

And then the next one.

And the one after.

And the next three days after that too.

I slept for 15 - 16 hours of sleep a day. I read a lot in the Scriptures. I started going off on the Doctrine and Covenants about all the Doctrine it clarifies and I really enjoyed that. I read a lot in The Book of Mormon (because it's more of the word of God). It's been fun to read in the scriptures. Not fun to be sick. On Tuesday I sneezed for like 30 minutes straight. We had district council on Wednesday. But I skyped into that because I was dying. We did some weekly planning. It was productive the time inside for the most part.

On Saturday we tried to do some work and I thought I was going to pass out and throw up on someone's porch. I wasn't doing too hot. So we can back home and I slept for another 3 hours. We stopped by some people that night.

Sunday was our day. We went to church and we got some good work knocked out after that! We knocked a bunch of dooors, talked to some awesome people, we stopped by some family in the ward that have been needing some TLC and then we got an awesome dinner from the Ballard Family, had to make a pit stop at the church because I was about to explode. We got some good stuff done.

But I think honestly the thing I learned from this experience is patience on my part with the Lord and his  blessings. Often, we want something and we know that God knows that we want something, but He knows better than us, so he will hold out on us until we are either ready for what He has for us, or until we change our minds and realize what He wants and how much better that thing is. I wanted to get better, but Heavenly Father wanted something else for all those days. It didn't help that Im reading James E Talmage's classic Jesus the Christ right now and I was reading about all the miracles Jesus performed and it wasn't happening for me. There's a plan. I'm not worried. Revelation has not ceased. The Heavens are still open and that's really all that matters. the Church is true and lead by the First Presidency and the Quorom of the Twelve apostles. What a time to be alive.

As always,

Elder Tracy

Not much happened this week. Here's me being sick.
Here's the First Presidency and the 12. They are Prophets, Seers and Revelators.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Hot and Cold

Hey Everyone!

This was yet another great week out here in Naperville. A very very chilly one but a good one none the less.

We finally got to meet with Christy this week! So Christy has been going through some hard times recently and her "second mother" is a member of the church in another stake and she asks if Christy wants a blessing and we give her the blessing last week and it was aweomse. We then were able to follow the spirit (because Elder Lewis is a legend and follows the Spirit) and stop by on Tuesday and got in contact with her and we were able to teach her the Restoration of the Gospel and she loved it and is super excited to read the Book of Mormon! We are way way excited and we are going to be teaching her again tomorrow with her other member friends who live down the street. Heavenly Father has been preparing this woman for yeahs to receive the gospel. And now it's finally time!

We also were able to go on Exchanges with the Zone Leaders this week! It was awesome. I love being district leader. But I went on exchanges with Elder Olschewski (I know right? pronounced ole-chef-ski) And holy smokes he's a legend. we had a really great time on Friday. We forgot to take a picture but we will get one soon! We were able to do a lot of door knocking and we finished strond with an awesome impromptu lesson and pizza from a member. It was an awesome time. Would recommend.

It was also a pretty cold week for us out here in Naperville. It was in the teens essentially the whole week and it was aweomse. We got really chilly several times this week and we had a lot of fun being chilly. But it also has been a little detramental for my health... I think I got the flu. and bad haha I got the Flu shot this year but apparently it's been too long and I got got. I am in a high fever state and it's been really fun still. So hot and cold haha it's been fun. but yesterday and today have been awesome.

But things here are going really well. I am loving the work and the people are aweomse (even when they are mean to us) really I think this is the purpose in some regards of a mission: to teach us the attributes of Christ and they have 2 years to develop them and apply them so that when the situation presents it self in the future, we are ready to love those in need of love and help those in need of help. The Church is true and the Book of Mormon is devinately more of the word of God and helps us draw closer to God more than any other book.

As always,

Elder Tracy

I found my street!
I got a package from my mom and it's a mug! from the greatest place on earth

Monday, February 25, 2019

we beat the pro

Hey Everyone!

This week was an awesome week! We definately saw some miracles!

So to start, we kinda had a lot of things fall through with people last week and we decided that enough was enough and we were going to find some awesome people. Turns out it was a a struggle and we actually ended up knocking doors most o the week. Like 4+ hours a day mainly just to stay busy and keep spreading the Gospel. We didn't really see too much success from it all, but we were showing the Lord our Dilligence and expecting miracles to happen .

And they did.

We got a text on Thursday morning from a member of the church across Chicago telling us that we need to giver her friend who lives in our area a blessing on Saturday. We agreed because blessings are important. And we go over there and we meet Christy. She is the SWEETEST LADY I HAVE EVER MET. HOLY COW.  We were just talking with her for maybe 5 minutes, gave the blessing and then we were on out way. But she was just smiling with tears in her eyes when she saw us and we explained what was going to happen. The member and her husband were also there and he kinda messed up the blessing part (because he didn't know how to do it) but all well that ends well. Christy was so appreciative and she said that she wanted us to come back and answer her questions about the Church and God in general. So that was a miracle.

Sunday rolls around and we were only really expecting one person to show up to church, Bernice. (who is also a super sweet older woman who is super nice and always so excited to see us) and we are standing in the foyer waiting for people to show up to church and in walks these two families from out of the blue. we walk up and they say " oh hi we are friends of the Holts (a family in the ward) and they invited us to church today and so we are visiting. MY LANTA  I was pumped. We talked with them a lot and they have a lot of good questions and other thing so we are going to be following up with them too. So that was another miracle.

We stumbled upon this random neighborhood that is just tucked away in the corner of our area in the middle of a forest preserve. We decided to knoc a few of the streets on Sunday after church before dinner. That place hasn't been touched by missionaries for years. The people are way nice and we talked to maybe like 20 people and like 4 of them told us to come back soon! We found a literal gold mine. And its a huge place. And there's a street there named Seth St. (I will get a picture for evidence soon worry not little flock) We met Matt and John (the Romanian guy who is a legend) and Lilas and it was amazing. We are going to go there all the time now haha So that was another miracle.

We get to eat dinner with this one family on Sunday, The Barlow family and we had planned to invite them to invite a friend to church in the the little message we share at the end. And we sit down to dinner and Sister Barlow is describing dinner and everything and then she says "Oh and by the way, I was going to invite a family to church next week" and we just sat there dumbfounded. Man the Spirit of the Lord is an amazing thing. we committed them to inviting that friend to church! Miracles are all around us here in Naperville.

Sorry this one was a marathon to get through but it has just been the time of my life out here seeing some miracles and getting some good things done. It's aweomse. I ove the Gospel. I love the Book of Mormon and the Bible. I love the fact that we have a living Prophet, called of God to lead us and guide us and direct God's people once more upon the earth. It's comforting to me to know that all these things are true and for that reason, we share these things with everyone.

As always,

Elder Tracy

we found a giant pig.
we found a stone puppy. too cute not to take a picture.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Temple and Transfer

Hey everyone!

This was a good week! I guess. we got to see some cool stuff and talk with some amazing people!

So to start with the legendary people! We met this guy knocking who opened the door and yells "yall are back! last time yall ran away scared" and we met our friend andrew. He was a legend. We probably talked to him for like 30 minutes. we talked about everything from symbolism to satanic powers to the problems of the world to the prophet Mohammed from islam. It was a good contact. It was fun. We also knocked this one door and the lady told us to hold on and so were we're waiting there for like 5 minutes and then we decided to leave a note and leave and as we were writing the note, these two guys start walking up to us with a little kid and are like what yall doing? And so we explained the situation (well Eder Lewis did and it didn't go too well) and so they walked the kid to the garage and apparently we scared the living daylights out of this kid as he was walking home from school and so we were really sad that we upset him haha but it was a good time.

We also got to go to the temple this week and and it was aweomse. Our Ward Mission Leader took us up to the temple and it was aweomse haha this man literally never stops talking and its legendary. We got a spiritual boost to finish out this transfer strong and make some miracles happen! It is gping to be awesome! (we took pictures but I forgot my camera at home so I can't send the pictures yet!)

But we also got news about transfers! I'll be  staying here with Elder Lewis for another 6 weeks! It Wil be good! we have a lot of awesome things happening in the area and Elder Lewis is getting fired up about missionary work again and that make things a lot easier.

this was a pretty boring week honest other than the temple. Things are good. Love you all!

As always

Elder Tracy

The final district pictures haha rip hermana Cutler
We didn't have a dinner at Valentines day so we made our own haha

Monday, February 11, 2019


Hey everyone!

This was another awesome week out here in Naperville 3rd Ward! Here we go!

So this week we did a HECK ton of finding because it was in the 20s and it was wayyyy warmer that it has been so we actually were able to talk to a ton of people and we found some people to teach! We found a man by the name of Tom Jones (apparently he's a singer, I didn't know haha) but he's a legend. we are going to be doing a lot of good work with him! We also found this Indian family and they are amazingly awesome. The mom is a REAL LIFE FASHION DESIGNER Hahaha it was a great lesson

We also got to do exchanges this week and I got to go to Joliet 2 Spanish Branch again with my boy Elder Smith and it was awesome. We talked to a bunch of mexicans, got caught in a TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR and it is really cold so we were super confused why there was rain in FLIPPING WINTER but it's fine I'm fine. we also got to eat some DANK TACOS DORRADOS and holy smokes I was in heaven. There was frijoles, crema, lechuga, queso fresco and all the other good stuff. My gosh I was in heaven. It was the greatest ever.

We did alot of door knocking this week really. That's about all that happened that was intersting. We got the cops called on us for knocking doors at like 5 PM. it was kinda hilarious haha we were talking to this one dude and then all the sudden, I see a cop car out of the corner of my eye and I'm thinking YES A COP, BRING IT ON SATAN YOU CAN'T GET ME. The cop pulls up and the dude flees the scene and the lady gets out and she starts questioning us on this man's driveway and she wasn't having it haha but we are protected under the US Constitution so she couldn't do anything about it! She did run our drivers lisneces because apparently we were being "shady individuals" haha it was a great experience. Then like 20 minutes we found a super solid kid who was interested in learning more about the gospel so it all was worth it! (SATAN STILL CAN'T GET US)

But we really we had a great week. we saw some great miracles with people coming to church out of the blue. Truly this is God's work and nothing can stop it. There is a lot of potential out here so we gotta keep it up! But this is where I'm supposed to be. Also, idk if I told you al, but ya boy Elder Tracy extended his mission! That's right poeple, I'll be coming home (well to Illinois) August 7th instead of June 26th! I get to serve God even LONGER way pumped.

As always,

Elder Tracy

We biked like 12 miles to Walmart last Monday because I convinced Elder Lewis it wasn't that far haha
I climbed a snowmound on a chilly one
Shout out to Elder Anderson. A dirt nasty HONDA FIT

Monday, February 4, 2019

i froze

Hey Everyone!

This week was literally one for the record books. Holy SMOKES. It was a chilly one this week! But several awesome things happened!

So first off, to answer all yalls questions, I AM FINE. The cold wasn't even that bad. Your nostrals freeze while you bree the and if you out for more than like 30 seconds, your eyes will start to freeze shut. It was AWESOME. Fortuately, the coldest day, we had Zone Conference and so that made things a lot better because we were in the Church for like 7 hours instead of outside for 7 hours! It was an amazing Zone Conference too! We talked about a lot of really awesome things about the Holy Ghost and really who he is! It was a wild learning experience!

This week was also awesome because of STEVE. HOLY smokes he's a legend. We taught him three times this week because he wants to keep learning! He is SOOOO Hungry for the gospel and it's amazing to see. We had taught him the restoration last week and this week we taught him so much more and PUT HIM ON DATE. IT was amazing. He has the coolest Fellowshippers and they are all awesome. We are way excited to be teaching him! But on the sad note, his family is going through some rough times and he's actually getting kicked out his house this week. So CAN YOU KEEP STEVE IN YOUR PRAYERS SO HE CAN FIND A PLACE TO LIVE.

We also are trying to work a ton with less actives especially in the cold because we aren't trying to perish out here. We started working with this one family the Monte Calvos and my goodness. It was the funnest lesson I've ever been to. There was so much happening and holy crap it was hilarious. Roasts, insults, love, cats (named voldemort) and gospel all went flying for about an hour. It was amazing.

Funny story: (well at least to me) we knocked this one street and straight up every single person who opened the door was the most anti people ever. They were trying to tear us down and we just stood there and testified like the Alma and Amuleks we are and they just grumbled under their breath and closed the door all offended! to which we always yell back, "hope you have a great day!" and they, being upset and trying to flee because they are sad at us just say "mmmm you too" and I think it's the greatest thing ever hahahaha like every time it's amazing hahah

And this week we honestly saw the hand God. We had set some pretty loft goals for this area and we were able to go out there and make it happen! God was definately with us because we could not have done that on our own. Definately could not have done that nonesense. We had some miracles show up at church and we also got back into contact with Jailen our solid investigators who  decided to go on the fritz and he's solid as ever. Holy cow this paragraph does not do it justice what we saw this week. it was amazing. I'm definately a stronger man and much closer to God now a days so things are going pretty well.

this is the true work. This is the only true truth. I am beyond faith. There are so many things that confirm the divinity of the work of God in which I am involved. You all can know too.

As always,

Elder Tracy

we knocked this one guys door and he turned out to be a former and he wasn't having the idea of us and so he says hold on and I though we were gonna get some anti propaganda and I was way excited because it's dumb haha but he comes back with these ANCHIENT tapes of the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants and it was hilarious